
Laurea in Psychological Science and Techniques

Although students wishing to qualify as clinical psychologists should continue their education to master’s level, graduates with a bachelor’s degree are qualified to work in the following areas:

  • the service industry: social and welfare work, cooperative and non-governmental organizations;
  • school organizations, in territory management and development, in public and private organizations specialising in the production of goods and services, in non-profit organizations, in the armed services, in the prison service, in confessional and religious services;
  • psychological and clinical interventions: counselling and assessment under the direct responsibility  of clinical professionals. For example: psychological services, neuropsychiatric services, departments of mental health and developmental psychology; paediatric departments,  fertility centres and educational structures; maternal-infant, adolescent and family centres; Community Centres for Children in distress, residential and semi-residential structures for the treatment of psychic disabilities, pathological addictions, family resource centres and networks providing private and social services; adoption and fostering services.

Furthermore, as stated in article 51/2 of Presidential Decree 328/01, the following professional activities are available to people enrolled in section B of the Italian Albo professionale degli Psicologi (a Directory of chartered Psychologists):

  1. Participation in the scheduling and verification of psychological and psycho-social interventions;
  2. Performing psycho-educational interventions aimed at promoting the full development of potential for personal growth and social insertion and participation;
  3. The use of interviews, observation, psychological tests and other analytical tools, in order to assess behaviour, personality, cognitive processes, processes of social interaction, opinions and attitudes and psychological suitability to certain tasks and conditions;
  4. The use of psychological tools with disabled people to develop or recover functional skills of a cognitive, practical, emotive and relational nature, to halt functional regression in case of chronic diseases and to find alternative facilitating formulas;
  5. The use of psychological tools for school and professional guidance and the management and development of human resources;
  6. The use of psychological and ergonomic instruments to make working with tools, professional behaviour and behaviour in traffic more effective and safer, to perform preventive and educational interventions on themes of safety with individuals, groups and communities and to change and improve behaviour in at-risk individuals or groups;
  7. Management of the gathering, uploading and statistical processing of psychological data for research purposes.

The course prepares students to work as:
Human resources managers
